We strongly advise purchasing our products exclusively from our authorized retailers or our official website, with our logo present on the machine, as counterfeit products compromise our brand’s quality and pose safety risks. We strongly advise purchasing our products exclusively from our authorized retailers or our official website, with our logo present on the machine, as counterfeit products compromise our brand’s quality and pose safety risks. We strongly advise purchasing our products exclusively from our authorized retailers or our official website, with our logo present on the machine, as counterfeit products compromise our brand’s quality and pose safety risks. We strongly advise purchasing our products exclusively from our authorized retailers or our official website, with our logo present on the machine, as counterfeit products compromise our brand’s quality and pose safety risks.

Apollo MAX360

Customer Reviews

Why Apollo MAX360


MAX360 offers a wide range of treatment options, depending on the wavelengths used. It can emit different wavelengths of light, which can target various health concerns with a single device.

Privacy and Convenience

You can enjoy the treatment at the comfort of your own home, without the presence of others or being limited in time. Best for privacy-lovers or busy individuals.


14,4000 powerful LED's cover your whole body 360 degrees simultaneously in an effective session.


(17 Customer Reviews)

Customer Reviews

Apollo MAX360

Why Apollo MAX360


MAX360 offers a wide range of treatment options, depending on the wavelengths used. It can emit different wavelengths of light, which can target various health concerns with a single device.

Privacy and Convenience

You can enjoy the treatment at the comfort of your own home, without the presence of others or being limited in time. Best for privacy-lovers or busy individuals.


14,4000 powerful LED's cover your whole body 360 degrees simultaneously in an effective session.

At this wavelength, red light penetrates your skin deep enough to reach the sebaceous gland, which is responsible for producing collagen and activating skin rejuvenation. 630nm red light helps with tone, texture, and uneven pigmentation.

Here are some of its benefits:

Helps hair grow back faster by stimulating dormant stem cells in hair follicles

Improves symptoms associated with psoriasis

Reduce wrinkles, crepey skin, fine lines, and other signs of aging.

While some models are modular and can only provide targeted treatment, our MAX PRO360 covers your body from head to toe simultaneously.

  • To deliver unmatched therapeutic and healing value, our LED therapy panel consists of 14,400 LED light bulbs strategically laid for powerful and professional results.

Our LED Light Therapy Panel comes with an advanced touchscreen control system that is very easy to use, learn and navigate, while Independently controlling each wavelength

About Apollo MAX360

How to Use
  1. Remove all make-up and body oils.
  2. Wrap your hair and wear the included eye goggles for protection.
  3. Pre-set the treatment according to your concerns. Press START and enjoy your session.
  4. When finished, Step out of the machine and apply Apollo cream within 8-10 minutes. It is important to apply as close to the end of the session as possible, to maximize molecule penetration.
Core Features
  • Superior level of 14,000 powerful Red+ Infrared wavelengths (option to add blue, green, orange and.or purple wavelength).
  • Powerful light+ warm sensation

  • Electrical rotating structure

  • Full Coverage- hair, face, body
  • Touchscreen control +timer

Treatment Guidelines
  • Session Duration & Frequency: For optimal cellular benefit, including deep tissue treatment, we recommend 15–20-minute sessions. Time and frequency will vary depending on the individual’s response to the therapy.
  • We recommend using MAX 360 1-2 times a week for the initial two months. Following that, you can decrease use to at least 2 times a week.
Average Rating:
  • Power (W): 220V 40A
  • Power Consumption: 3000W
  • Material: Acrylic, Food Grade Stainless Steel
  • Size: 89.3in x 46.7 in x 38.2 in
  • Weight: 815 lb
  • Design: Full body bed
  • Maximum irradiance: 129 mW/cm2
  • Wavelengths: 630nm, 660nm, 810nm, 830nm, 940nm.
  • Variable pulse: 0 – 10000 Hz
  • Variable irradiance: 0 – 129 mW/cm2
What's included
  • Power cord
  • 3 year warranty- lifetime
  • Eye protection goggles
  • VIP support

(152 Customers Reviews)

Customer Reviews

Buy Apollo MAX360

Apollo MAX360 Key Benefits


Promote Cellular Health

Treat Psychiatric Disorders

Increase Endorphin Levels

Strengthen Immunity

Reduce Stress


Reduce Inflammation

Reduce Pain

Reduce Recovery Time

Treat Wound Healing

Reduce Bruising

Treat Traumatic Brain Injury


Improve Circulation

Varicose Veins & Spider Veins

Weight Loss

Bone Repair


Skin Tightening

Cellulite Reduction

Improve Skin Health

Treat Non-melanoma Cancer


Increase Fertility

Incrase Testosterone In Men

Stimulate Hair Growth

Increase Metabolism

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