We strongly advise purchasing our products exclusively from our authorized retailers or our official website, with our logo present on the machine, as counterfeit products compromise our brand’s quality and pose safety risks. We strongly advise purchasing our products exclusively from our authorized retailers or our official website, with our logo present on the machine, as counterfeit products compromise our brand’s quality and pose safety risks. We strongly advise purchasing our products exclusively from our authorized retailers or our official website, with our logo present on the machine, as counterfeit products compromise our brand’s quality and pose safety risks. We strongly advise purchasing our products exclusively from our authorized retailers or our official website, with our logo present on the machine, as counterfeit products compromise our brand’s quality and pose safety risks.

Counterfeit Warning

Dear valued customers,

We want to ensure your safety and satisfaction when purchasing our products. It has come to our attention that counterfeit products bearing various brand names are circulating in the market. These unauthorized and fake items not only compromise the quality and integrity you expect from our brand, but they also pose potential risks to your safety and overall experience.

To guarantee that you receive genuine products that meet our high standards of quality and craftsmanship, we strongly recommend purchasing exclusively from our authorized retailers or our official website.

Additionally, please ensure that our logo is present on the machine to authenticate its legitimacy. If you come across any suspicious or counterfeit products, we kindly request that you report them immediately to our dedicated customer support team. Your safety and satisfaction are of utmost importance to us, and we greatly appreciate your support in helping us combat counterfeit products. Together, we can preserve the authenticity and excellence that our brand stands for.

Thank you for choosing our genuine products, and for being a valued member of our APOLLO community!

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